如果你没接触过3d可视化技术, 你也许会认为可视化非常难, 光是一个物体的阴影要如何计算就相当复杂, 但是告诉你个好消息, 阴影的计算都是集成好的, 而我们只要设置好光源的位置,绘制好物体就可以了, 真的没有想象中那么复杂, 本文面向有前端基础,但零可视化基础的同学, 我会从最基础的入门知识说起。
Creating a Smart Navbar With Vanilla JavaScript
Let’s define “smart navigation” as: Visible at the top of the page Visible when the user moves up the page (wherever they may have scrolled to) Hidden when the user moves down the page
Designing And Building With Fluid Type And Space Scales
By systemizing the fundamentals of typography and space, and leaning into the inherent fluidity of the web, a free new CSS tool called Utopia offers an alternative to breakpoint-driven design. This shared language between design and development streamlines communication and encourages the creation of bespoke constraints for your projects to ensure consistent and harmonious designs.
- Vanilla JavaScript Code Snippets
In a new series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. This time around, let’s look at vanilla JavaScript code snippets — resources and lightweight libraries to help you solve a problem without a large overhead or third-party dependencies.
- Javascript 高效开发工具函数
Javascript 高效开发工具函数,一些常用逻辑的写法
- 微前端方案为什么不用iframe?
iframe 最大的特性就是提供了浏览器原生的硬隔离方案,不论是样式隔离、js 隔离这类问题统统都能被完美解决。但他的最大问题也在于他的隔离性无法被突破,导致应用间上下文无法被共享,随之带来的开发体验、产品体验的问题。
let’s look at SVG generators — for everything from shapes and backgrounds to SVG path visualizers and SVG → JSX generators.
一个非常好用的开源工具推荐,支持各种开发相关的常用需求,比如JSON格式化、URL Encode/Decode等,可以提高开发效率。重点是geek风格、顔值高。
realtime emoji use on twitter